Wigmund: The Return of the Hidden Knights
A story-driven, skill based top down RPG inspired by the same world that influenced
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien’s writings.

The Game-Play
The mouse will really become an extension of your in-game weapon. You will control the blows with your mouse gestures as well as your dodges. However that is not everything! Each monster and especially each boss will have it’s own set of capabilities that will require you to adapt your style.

The Quests
The questing system will follow the general rules of Role Playing Games. However, do not expect too many “I Need 5 Easter Eggs”, “Kill 12.538 Beasts”, “Collect 111 Mole Eyes” kind of quests. Completing a quest will have an impact on the game! For instance, monsters will not re-spawn.

The Equipment
With accurate physic collisions, the up-gradable equipment will play a vital role in the game. A full equipment will include the following items: Helm, Plate, Left Shoulder, Right Shoulder, Left Glove, Right Glove, Leg Armor, Boots, Left Knee Guard, Right Knee Guard, Tome, Cape or Shield for the Back slot.
A Fantasy Story
Wigmund is a story-driven skill based top down RPG game. It will not be a hack-and-slash game but it will provide a fine balance between a consistent story and a good amount of combat. In this game you and your companions will embark in the perilous journey to overthrow evil tyrant Antiochus. Play as Wigmund, a fugitive, tasked with the disinterring of the New Regime’s dark secrets, that yet has to uncover the mystery of his origins. But do not fear! Even in the most terrible dangers help might come quite unexpectedly…

Here are Dragons
„The fire-drake with his flames had laid in ashes the stronghold, the people’s fastness, on its island without. Therefore the war-king, prince of the Geats, planned vengeance upon him. The safeguard of warriors, lord of earls, bade be made for him a battle-shield of marvellous kind, all of iron; he knew readily wood of the forest might not help him, linden-wood against flame. The atheling passing worthy must needs abide the close of his life in the world, and the dragon with him, though he had kept for long his wealth of treasure.” – Anonymous Poet, probably 8th Century A.D., Beowulf